ATT&CK Mitigations to D3FEND Technique Mappings

The D3FEND team created this mapping in order to help users navigate between the two knowledgebases.

ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Mitigation Related D3FEND Techniques Comment
M1013 Application Developer Guidance A future release of D3FEND will define a taxonomy of Source Code Hardening Techniques.
M1015 Active Directory Configuration M1015 scope is broad, touches on an wide variety of techniques in D3FEND.
M1016 Vulnerability Scanning Future D3FEND releases will model the scanning and inventory domains.
M1017 User Training Modeling user training is outside the scope of D3FEND.
M1018 User Account Management
M1019 Threat Intelligence Program Establishing and running a Threat Intelligence Program is outside the scope of D3FEND.
M1020 SSL/TLS Inspection D3FEND models this as an infrastructure dependency to support D3-NTA.
M1021 Restrict Web-Based Content M1021 scope is broad, touches on an wide variety of techniques in d3fend.
M1022 Restrict File and Directory Permissions
M1024 Restrict Registry Permission
M1025 Privileged Process Integrity
M1026 Privileged Account Management
M1027 Password Policies
M1028 Operating System Configuration
M1029 Remote Data Storage IT disaster recovery plans are outside the current scope of D3FEND.
M1030 Network Segmentation
M1031 Network Intrusion Prevention
M1032 Multi-factor Authentication
M1033 Limit Software Installation
M1034 Limit Hardware Installation
M1035 Limit Access to Resource Over Network
M1036 Account Use Policies D3-AZET may be related (is potentially related though not called out in ATT&CK definition.)
M1037 Filter Network Traffic
M1038 Execution Prevention
M1039 Environment Variable Permissions
M1040 Behavior Prevention on Endpoint
M1041 Encrypt Sensitive Information
M1042 Disable or Remove Feature or Program
M1043 Credential Access Protection
M1044 Restrict Library Loading D3-SCF is one possible way to filter library loading.
M1045 Code Signing
M1046 Boot Integrity
M1047 Audit M1047 scope is broad, touches on an wide variety of techniques in d3fend.
M1048 Application Isolation and Sandboxing "Sandboxing" is often used to describe a detection environment which includes some forms of analysis (see D3-DA.)" Many forms of isolation (e.g., quarantining) are more static in nature and simply limit software's access to system resources.
M1049 Antivirus/Antimalware Process Analysis and subclasses.
M1050 Exploit Protection
M1051 Update Software
M1052 User Account Control
M1053 Data Backup Comprehensive IT disaster recovery plans are outside the current scope of D3FEND.
M1054 Software Configuration
M1055 Do Not Mitigate
M1056 Pre-compromise