Unix Shell - T1059.004
(ATT&CK® Technique)
Adversaries may abuse Unix shell commands and scripts for execution. Unix shells are the primary command prompt on Linux and macOS systems, though many variations of the Unix shell exist (e.g. sh, bash, zsh, etc.) depending on the specific OS or distribution. Unix shells can control every aspect of a system, with certain commands requiring elevated privileges.
D3FEND Inferred Relationships
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graph LR; T1059004["Unix Shell"] --> |executes| ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; class T1059004 OffensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click ExecutableScript href "/dao/artifact/d3f:ExecutableScript"; click T1059004 href "/offensive-technique/attack/T1059.004/"; click ExecutableScript href "/dao/artifact/d3f:ExecutableScript";DecoyFile["Decoy File"] --> | spoofs | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; DecoyFile["Decoy File"] -.-> | May Deceive | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class DecoyFile DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click DecoyFile href "/technique/d3f:DecoyFile"; DynamicAnalysis["Dynamic Analysis"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; DynamicAnalysis["Dynamic Analysis"] -.-> | May Detect | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class DynamicAnalysis DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click DynamicAnalysis href "/technique/d3f:DynamicAnalysis"; EmulatedFileAnalysis["Emulated File Analysis"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; EmulatedFileAnalysis["Emulated File Analysis"] -.-> | May Detect | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class EmulatedFileAnalysis DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click EmulatedFileAnalysis href "/technique/d3f:EmulatedFileAnalysis"; FileIntegrityMonitoring["File Integrity Monitoring"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; FileIntegrityMonitoring["File Integrity Monitoring"] -.-> | May Detect | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class FileIntegrityMonitoring DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click FileIntegrityMonitoring href "/technique/d3f:FileIntegrityMonitoring"; FileEviction["File Eviction"] --> | deletes | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; FileEviction["File Eviction"] -.-> | May Evict | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class FileEviction DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click FileEviction href "/technique/d3f:FileEviction"; FileEncryption["File Encryption"] --> | encrypts | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; FileEncryption["File Encryption"] -.-> | May Harden | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class FileEncryption DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click FileEncryption href "/technique/d3f:FileEncryption"; LocalFilePermissions["Local File Permissions"] --> | restricts | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; LocalFilePermissions["Local File Permissions"] -.-> | May Harden | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class LocalFilePermissions DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click LocalFilePermissions href "/technique/d3f:LocalFilePermissions"; ExecutableAllowlisting["Executable Allowlisting"] --> | blocks | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; ExecutableAllowlisting["Executable Allowlisting"] -.-> | May Isolate | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class ExecutableAllowlisting DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click ExecutableAllowlisting href "/technique/d3f:ExecutableAllowlisting"; ExecutableDenylisting["Executable Denylisting"] --> | blocks | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; ExecutableDenylisting["Executable Denylisting"] -.-> | May Isolate | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class ExecutableDenylisting DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click ExecutableDenylisting href "/technique/d3f:ExecutableDenylisting"; RestoreFile["Restore File"] --> | restores | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; RestoreFile["Restore File"] -.-> | May Restore | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class RestoreFile DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click RestoreFile href "/technique/d3f:RestoreFile"; FileAnalysis["File Analysis"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableScript["Executable Script"]; FileAnalysis["File Analysis"] -.-> | May Detect | T1059004["Unix Shell"] ; class FileAnalysis DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableScript ArtifactNode; click FileAnalysis href "/technique/d3f:FileAnalysis";