Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable - T1574.007
(ATT&CK® Technique)
Adversaries may execute their own malicious payloads by hijacking environment variables used to load libraries. The PATH environment variable contains a list of directories (User and System) that the OS searches sequentially through in search of the binary that was called from a script or the command line.
D3FEND Inferred Relationships
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graph LR; T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] --> |creates| ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; class T1574007 OffensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click ExecutableFile href "/dao/artifact/d3f:ExecutableFile"; click T1574007 href "/offensive-technique/attack/T1574.007/"; click ExecutableFile href "/dao/artifact/d3f:ExecutableFile"; FileEviction["File Eviction"] --> | deletes | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; FileEviction["File Eviction"] -.-> | may-evict | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class FileEviction DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click FileEviction href "/technique/d3f:FileEviction"; FileEncryption["File Encryption"] --> | encrypts | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; FileEncryption["File Encryption"] -.-> | may-harden | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class FileEncryption DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click FileEncryption href "/technique/d3f:FileEncryption"; FileIntegrityMonitoring["File Integrity Monitoring"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; FileIntegrityMonitoring["File Integrity Monitoring"] -.-> | may-detect | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class FileIntegrityMonitoring DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click FileIntegrityMonitoring href "/technique/d3f:FileIntegrityMonitoring"; DynamicAnalysis["Dynamic Analysis"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; DynamicAnalysis["Dynamic Analysis"] -.-> | may-detect | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class DynamicAnalysis DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click DynamicAnalysis href "/technique/d3f:DynamicAnalysis"; EmulatedFileAnalysis["Emulated File Analysis"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; EmulatedFileAnalysis["Emulated File Analysis"] -.-> | may-detect | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class EmulatedFileAnalysis DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click EmulatedFileAnalysis href "/technique/d3f:EmulatedFileAnalysis"; RestoreFile["Restore File"] --> | restores | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; RestoreFile["Restore File"] -.-> | may-restore | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class RestoreFile DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click RestoreFile href "/technique/d3f:RestoreFile"; ExecutableAllowlisting["Executable Allowlisting"] --> | blocks | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; ExecutableAllowlisting["Executable Allowlisting"] -.-> | may-isolate | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class ExecutableAllowlisting DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click ExecutableAllowlisting href "/technique/d3f:ExecutableAllowlisting"; ExecutableDenylisting["Executable Denylisting"] --> | blocks | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; ExecutableDenylisting["Executable Denylisting"] -.-> | may-isolate | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class ExecutableDenylisting DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click ExecutableDenylisting href "/technique/d3f:ExecutableDenylisting"; LocalFilePermissions["Local File Permissions"] --> | restricts | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; LocalFilePermissions["Local File Permissions"] -.-> | may-isolate | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class LocalFilePermissions DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click LocalFilePermissions href "/technique/d3f:LocalFilePermissions"; FileAnalysis["File Analysis"] --> | analyzes | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; FileAnalysis["File Analysis"] -.-> | may-detect | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class FileAnalysis DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click FileAnalysis href "/technique/d3f:FileAnalysis"; DecoyFile["Decoy File"] --> | spoofs | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; DecoyFile["Decoy File"] -.-> | may-deceive | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class DecoyFile DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click DecoyFile href "/technique/d3f:DecoyFile"; RemoteFileAccessMediation["Remote File Access Mediation"] --> | isolates | ExecutableFile["Executable File"]; RemoteFileAccessMediation["Remote File Access Mediation"] -.-> | may-isolate | T1574007["Path Interception by PATH Environment Variable"] ; class RemoteFileAccessMediation DefensiveTechniqueNode; class ExecutableFile ArtifactNode; click RemoteFileAccessMediation href "/technique/d3f:RemoteFileAccessMediation";